Digital Secret Spy Camera Pen
CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. Just like that you can take digital pictures without anyone ever knowing. How cool is that? Just like your favorite movie spy hero, this incredible digital device gives you the ability to do what no other camera is capable of. Have you ever been to a board meeting and wished you could snap some quick candid shots in secret? Is there a suspicious stranger hanging around? Take a mug shot without them ever knowing. Do your own investigation by taking snap shots of secret documents. Take shots of competitor products at trade shows or retail stores. Sneak it in where cameras are never allowed like art museums, concerts and sporting events. 2MB memory is capable of storing up to 36, 160 x 120 pixel images. Even has a voice function that "tells" you how many images have been taken and when it has been turned on or off. Includes software and serial cable (RS-232) for downloading images to PC. Oh, it also has a real built-in pen so you can actually look like you're writing. With the Digital Pen Spy Cam the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.